Monday, May 19, 2008

What we have at work...

Everyday at work I always have some interesting critter nearby. Most recently it is the roach in the lights above me (see picture below). Not to mention the termite wings that land on my desk every once in a while. It is disgusting. Well...we also have the men's room full of dead roaches. Ewww! Let's not even mention the screeching from the machines in the shop and the consistency of people coming in and out from the door next to my desk. Ahhh...Frustrating. Just wanted to share the work horrors!

In the men's room at work!

Right above my desk!!!


Anonymous said...

Aww, the poor roach is sun bathing (or lightbulb bathing?... I don't know).

Unknown said...

Actually, he's your 2008 bonus. There's more in the men's bathroom b/c women are always compensated less for the same jobs.

Froggy said...

HAHAHA!!! Seriously...if that's my bonus for this year, I just can't wait what they'll come up with next year!